Saturday, September 22, 2007


Saw two ladies on the 2nd floor waiting for the elevator.

Gotta WATCH other people too. Not Just Japanese. Floor hoppers come in all shapes, sizes, colors, etc.

But then I'm use to some staffs practice of orchestrating what I have termed "vignettes". These little machinations are designed to elicit a reaction, or to see if one reacts.

At least I haven't been seeing young girls being escorted or deliveredto mens rooms, by older women, looking motherly.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Surreptitious Signals

Has anyone noticed the triangulated signal system at the YMCA, between the front desk area, the Ala Moana Hotel and whichever other (down Kona - Mauka on Atkinson, or Makai on Atkinson)

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Japanese Students

Wonder If I'll See These Students In Waikiki and Star Market.....After They RETURN to Japan.

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