How they did and do it.
Let me say, the Y has come a long way, from the days of young girls behind the front desk that didn't work there. And, known prostitutes canvassing the place. And, women showing residents keys - you know, in that setting, a male is not going to be challenged 100% of the time, so they just give a female their key. Hard to see a room number on the fly. And, maybe no one at the desk, at all. Bad. And, women actually renting rooms on the fifth floor and having visitors. And, porno tapes being sold on the 4th floor and advertised in the elevator. And, housekeepers coming out of residents rooms during non - working hours. Well, I could go on and on. Only a smattering of these conditions continue today. And, I guess they should be commended for small strides.
Currently, most disturbing is the fact that there is a door leading from the facilities to the residence elevator that is unlocked but "alarmed". And, this also leads to the stairs for fire escape. That door is constantly left ajar, day and night, by those going up and down. No pun intended.
Just a little aside: I was told at first that only any one can rent a room on the fifth floor and they can double up. Then I was told in order to double up, the couple had to be married. Most recently I was told by the former director that the policy is one guest to a room and no visitors to any rooms. Go figure.

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