Is That A Storm Brewing?
from "Vernon Balmer Jr."
to ymcaprogram@redwoodsgroup.com
date Mar 3, 2008 1:00 PM
subject Central YMCA - Honolulu
I have stayed at the YMCA at 401 Atkinson DR . During this time I have witnessed activities that are not in keeping with "CHRISTIAN" values. I have seen women on floors they are not allowed on and have myself from time to time had to call someone to have a female escorted from some one's room she did not belong in.
I have seen liquor bottles and cans in the trash cans. There is virtually no security there and doors leading to the residence area, that are intended to be locked after hours, are kept open. I have seen people from Japan who told me they are going "home", in supermarkets and Waikiki months after being told they are leaving.
I only send this to warn you, considering the position you are in, and knowing that there is an avaricious appetite for mainland victims of lawsuits here, Especially those with deep pockets and no on site supervision or presence.
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