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While in the shower, I hear someone behind me say "see" I turn around to see a janitor, that works for Carinos standing there holding the curtain open and looking at me. I ask him it there is someting in the shower her wants, and he responds "no". When I exit the shower I go to my room to completely dry off, and see the resident from 230 in the hallway talking to the janitor. Once dry I return to the bathroom and ask the janitor his name and he tells me " they call me jos (sic). I ask him why he was looking in the shower, he responds " I was looking for soap". Taking this to mean he was checking that there was soap in the dispenser, I ask him it her always checks when there are people in there. He says nn. Seeing this is not going far I return to my room finish preparing and leave. When I get to the library, I do not have a floppy disk that I put in my bagpack before leaving the library on Thursday evening. When I arrived at my room Thursday evening I did not go out again. The only time this could have been taken was Friday morning. Was Jose a distraction?
Police Report No. 07-439167
I was told by Officer Chu, it is a burglary, to call from the Y and someone would come to take a statement.
Officer Kadota comes and designates it a theft.