It's summer again and the YMCA is hosting slumber parties for the kiddies.
This is when dilligence is warranted. This is the perfect "set - up" for the honolulu smoke screen. Easy for floor hoppers to slip in among the crowd.
And guess who was on post last Friday when slumber class was in session.
Old Mello Mel. Yes the one who catches all creepers in. Could this have been the reason for the two incidents that were so efficiently handled by, you guessed it Mello Mel.
Good to keep count if you're watching. How many come in? How many come out.
The good thing is the kiddies were housed in the activity room in the lobby area, not the one by the elevators or way back by the basket ball court where the fire exits are located.
Especially, since there is a new policy in effect, that residents can use the fire exit by the elevator to go upstairs as well as down stairs. Some even leave the door ajar after exiting. Hope this is not in violation of safety rules.